Unleashing Your Awesomeness

Ep.16 – Guest Speaker - Doreen Calderon - Embracing the Journey: Insights from Actress and Transformative Coach

Hakan Akbas Episode 16

Join us on this captivating episode of 'Unleashing Your Awesomeness' as we dive into the world of transformative coaching for artists with the incredibly talented Doreen Calderon. In her role as an actress and a coach, Doreen has gained immense expertise in helping artists unleash their true potential.

During the episode, Doreen delves into her own journey of her “Creating The Impossible” project and how she witnessed a series of miraculous events unfold as she stepped into the realm of limitless possibilities. She emphasizes the power of thought and the impact it has on shaping our reality.

Bringing a fresh perspective on enjoying the ride of life. Drawing inspiration from the exhilaration of a roller coaster, she emphasizes that true joy lies not just in reaching the end but in fully immersing ourselves in the present moment and embracing the experiences along the way.

Doreen also shares her personal story on how she landed a part in "Curb Your Enthusiasm", by being totally unconventional.

Sharing her transformative journey, that shifted her perspective on life and led her to embrace the Inside Out Understanding of the 3 Principles. Through this newfound understanding, Doreen has transformed the way she lives her life, finding greater clarity, peace, and fulfilment.

Additional Resources

Doreen’s YouTube Channel

Doreen's Website

Showcase of Doreen’s Acting Work

Past Podcasts


What to connect?

Doreen’s Facebook page

Doreen’s Instagram

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